14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Nothing speaks love more than freshly baked homemade cookies to blow your lover's mind.


Do you wish to make some nice cookies to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is drawing closer with every new day that dawns, and you are wondering what to get for it, you could easily get chocolates or candy or something else and that would be fine sure.

But I assure you nothing speaks love more than freshly baked homemade cookies. 

You would blow your lover's mind away with it, not just the cookies but the fact that you baked them yourself would put more love into it.

Another thing is it doesn’t even have to be for a lover, could be for friends and family too, way to make the cookies, you would need some of the best Valentine’s Day cookie recipes, and we’ve got some of the best for you in this guide.

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

1. Classic Linzer Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Linzer cookies are not so fast to bake, but if you can be patient enough to whip them together.

I can assure you that you and everyone who eats them will love this awesome combination of sweet fruity jam and rich cookies.

2. Sugar Heart-Shaped Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Sugar heart-shaped cookies are one of the easiest ways to sweeten up your Valentine’s Day with your lover. 

You can even spice it up and make them have different frosting designs to make every cookie look and feel special.

3. Chocolate Chip Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Chocolate chip cookies are one of the best types of cookies there is, I love chocolate chip cookies and would love anyone who makes them for me. 

It is one to consider when you wish to bake cookies for Valentine’s Day. 

4. French Macarons

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

I highly recommend this French cookie (French Macarons), they are delicious and not that difficult to make.

They are so soft, chewy, light, and crispy all at the same time, isn’t that something?

5. Strawberry Love Notes Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Strawberry love note cookies are one fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your lover. 

Let them open a love note and eat their hearts full, it is easy to make, easier to eat, and it shows your lover your love.

6. Snickerdoodle Brown Butter Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Snickerdoodles are such unique cookies when they are hot they are chewy with soft centers like the classic Snickerdoodle, but when they begin to cool, they change into wrinkly cracked cookies. 

Still have the same taste hot or cold, but they look different in both forms.

7. Cannoli Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

I would admit, that baking cannoli cookies isn’t easy and fast like some of the other cookies on the list here.

Read: 16+ Easy Valentine's Day Dessert Boards To Share With Your Loved Ones

But if you’re able to go through all the steps patiently and bake this absolutely lovely Italian cookie, the result (A Perfect Valentine’s Day) will be just as you hoped for.

8. Ube Crinkle Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

The Ube crinkle cookies have been spreading love on Valentine’s Day across the world for years now, with its nutty vanilla flavor and Ube extract, Ube Halaya which is made up of Ube and condensed milk. 

This would blow your lover's mind away.

9. Italian Rainbow Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Italian rainbow cookies are one extremely sweet delicacy, with almond-flavored cakes being put in the middle of chocolate that has apricot jam and raspberry, it takes a while to whip it up but it is worth the wait.

10. Soft & Chewy Sugar Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

These sugar cookies would melt your and your lover's hearts away, soft and chewy in the center and crisp around the edge, there is no saying no to this delight, we guarantee it.

11. Chocolate Shortbread Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

If you want to make cookies on Valentine’s Day without stressing yourself, this chocolate shortbread is your go-to. 

It has a tender texture and it is slightly crisp, an easy Valentine’s Day classic if you ask me.

12. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

To bake fast Valentine’s Day cookies, this is a reliable option for you. 

The mixture of peanut butter and chocolate chips in this cookie makes it delicious and filled with love. 

13. Red Velvet Cake Mix Cookies

14+ Valentine’s Day Cookie Recipe Ideas To Surprise Your Loved Ones

Don’t these just look delicious? 

Get the perfect cookies for Valentine’s Day with these red velvet cake mix cookies, not so difficult to make and they are as delicious as they look.

14. Strawberry Shortcake Cookies

strawberry cookies recipe

This is without a doubt my personal favorite Valentine’s Day cookie, yeah that’s right I saved my best for last. 

Baking this cookie can get messy so don’t be afraid to make a mess, it might not be quick to whip up but trust me it is worth all the stress and mess it would take to make it.


Show your lovers how special they are on Valentine’s Day with freshly baked cookies all made by you, the thoughtfulness and love that comes from you baking the cookies yourself beats anything like chocolate or candy that you would buy.

There are so many choices of cookie recipes to choose from when you want to bake for Valentine’s Day, some are easy and fast to whip up, while others take time and make a mess. 

Either way, you can make your lover's heart melt with the right cookie recipe.

We have taken the time to list out 14 of the best Valentine’s Day cookie recipe ideas for you to choose from, or you can decide to pick two or more from the list, the choice is all yours.

Hi there, I’m Peach; an almost extroverted fash-loving gal and the one behind this blog. I aim to bring to your screens all the nice things about beanies you will love.